
Email Information

How Email Works

From the user standpoint, email seems so simple.  You select the address of the person to whom you want to send the email, compose your message and click 'Send'.  ALL DONE.

In reality, sending your message off into the network cloud is a bit like sending Little Red Riding Hood into the deep dark woods.  You never know what might happen.  Click on "How Email Works" for more info.

Email Etiquette

When we converse, we expect other people to observe certain rules of behavior.  The same is true online.  Here are a few pointers to help you communicate more effectively.

Smileys and Emoticons

'' has compiled a comprehensive list of Smileys and Emoticons :-)


Email Change

'FreshAddress' provides a forwarding service for changed Email addresses.

Thunderbird Software

Mozilla's Thunderbird is a free full-featured POP3 email client software program that you can use to manage your Email offline.

And use these settings to configure Thunderbird

Security Information

This web site provides practical tips to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information.

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